Vitamin B6: Health Benefits, Sources And Intake

Vitamin B6: Health Benefits, Sources And Intake

Our body requires nourishment to be able to sustain itself and lead a healthy life. For obtaining suitable nutrition, one must eat foods that offer an optimal amount of nourishment essential for the body. Out of all of the known macronutrients, one of the most well recognized and crucial ones are nutritional supplements.

Vitamins are organic molecules that are categorized as essential macronutrients. This suggests that it is not naturally created by the body and needs to be served to the body by means of foods and supplements. There are many kinds of vitamins but among the most crucial vitamins are Vitamin B6.

Also Called pyridoxine, It’s a water-soluble vitamin That’s required for a wide number of important bodily functions such as metabolic reactions as well as the growth and development of mobile and neurological elements.

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While vitamin B6 can readily be included in the diet, there are lots of people from throughout the world who face a lack of vitamins in general. Studies have revealed that the consumption of adequate amounts of vitamin B6 is connected to the maintenance of good overall health and the prevention of many diseases. Therefore, it becomes extremely important to get an adequate dose of vitamin B6 in your daily life. Over time, vitamin B6 has been the subject of various studies and research. Therefore, there are several health benefits that you may derive from the intake of the essential macronutrient. This report presents in-depth coverage of the various health benefits which have been backed by the scientific community. We will also cover several sources of vitamin B6 and determine why it is crucial for your health. With that said, let us check out why vitamin B6 is among the most crucial vitamins in the first place.

Source of Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 can be found in many foods that include peanuts, fatty fish, meat, beans and potatoes.

Dosage of Vitamin B6

The recommended dosage of vitamin B6 through diet is up to 1.7milligrams using a Minimal Amount of 1.3mg. Here is the recommended daily amount (RDA). This may be obtained by including the meals mentioned previously in your diet plan. It must be noted that many studies on the health benefits of vitamin B6 are for the most part on nutritional supplements.

For vitamin B6 supplements, the dosage must be between 30mg to 250mg daily. It is easy to understand that supplements are basically meant for people with a lack of vitamin B6 and so, the concentration of vitamin B6 in supplements is considerably higher than the RDA.

Health Benefits of Vitamin B6

Promotes good mood

It has been established by research that vitamin B6 will help in improving mood and reducing stress.

Studies show that vitamin B6 assists in the creation of neurotransmitters that Are linked to feelings and emotions. Further research has displayed the ability of vitamin B6 to trigger the performance of hormones like serotonin and dopamine. Vitamin B6 has been established to inhibit the functionality of homocysteine, an amino acid that’s been associated with depression.

Several experimental studies have shown that for people above Age 40, The signs of depression are associated with low consumption of vitamin B6. Further experiments have shown that the signs of melancholy correspond with reduced blood levels of vitamin B6.

Another study has shown that the lack of vitamin B6 bears a close relationship With all the indications of depression. Research on older men indicated that those who had a normal intake of vitamin B6 in their diet were less likely to develop signs of depression in later phases when compared to those who do not consume enough vitamin B6.

Promotes brain functioning and health

Studies have displayed the homocysteine-lowering functionality of vitamin B6 helps in reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Further research has proven that the usage of vitamin B6 will help in maintaining the correct functioning of the brain as one age.

Aids in the synthesis of hemoglobin

Vitamin B6 will help in the product of hemoglobin. As such, vitamin B6 can possibly Help in treating anemia and other such blood deficiency conditions. Some experimental studies on pregnant women and men of reproductive age have shown that low blood levels of vitamin B6 are linked to anemia. In reality, an experimental trial on an old woman of 72 decades of age suffering from anemia due to vitamin B6 deficiency clearly showed that using the consumption of bioavailable vitamin B6, her wellbeing vastly enhanced.

Helps to Take Care of PMS

We are Conscious of the fact that vitamin B6 Aids in the activating of hormones Associated with hormones and emotions. Accordingly, the consumption of vitamin B6 by women experiencing premenstrual syndrome (PMS) contributes to an improvement in common PMS symptoms like mood swings, irritability, nervousness, etc.. A study conducted within 12 weeks on a Significant Number of women with PMS demonstrated improvement in their symptoms by almost 69%.

Treats nausea during pregnancy

Nausea is a very common occurrence among elderly women. While extensive studies have proven that the consumption of vitamin B6 helps relieve nausea during pregnancy, there isn’t any concrete evidence regarding how exactly it happens. Research in a certain number of pregnant women for 4 months revealed that those who consumed vitamin B6 revealed a significant decline in the feelings of nausea at under a week.

Promotes cardiovascular health

Research has immediately shown that subjects who have lower blood levels of vitamin B6 Had higher chances of developing cardiovascular issues such as heart disease. Research has especially indicated that the performance of vitamin B6 in promoting good cardiovascular health is because of its ability to inhibit homocysteine levels. It must be noted that elevated homocysteine levels are associated with heart disease and similar issues. Several animal studies have confirmed that a deficiency in vitamin B6 contributes to higher cholesterol levels and the risk of clogged arteries than a diet rich in vitamin B6.

Anti-inflammatory activity for rheumatoid arthritis

Studies have linked the inflammation through rheumatoid arthritis to vitamin B6 deficiency. Experiments have revealed that subjects with rheumatoid arthritis inflammation experienced a reduction in symptoms about the usage of vitamin B6.


Vitamin B is unquestionably one of the most essential vitamins and minerals B6, in particular, functions as a macronutrient with different health benefits. Vitamin B6 supplements are An excellent method to compensate for a deficiency in this vitamin. It’s worth noting These supplements when taken medical supervision, is also great for pregnant women. Including sources of food Full of vitamin B6 and taking vitamin B6 Supplements are a welcome choice for good general health.